- Poeci trzech pokoleń 1
- Poematy 3
- Poematy prozą 1
- Poems 1
- Poems in two volumes, 1807 1
- Poems of action 1
- Poems of Robert Browning containing Dramatic lyrics, Dramatic romances, Men and women, dramas, Pauline, Paracelsus, Christmas-eve and Easter-day, and Sordello 1
- Poems, plays and miscellaneus essays 1
- Poesies 1
- Poeta czarnoleski studia literackie 1
- Poeta z Siemierza antologia tekstów Bronisława Przyłuskiego z lat 1956-1980 w sto piątą rocznicę urodzin i trzydziestolecie śmierci 1
- Poetry & prose with appreciations by Pope, Johnson, Scott, Hazlit and others 1
- Poetry & prose with Izaac Walton's life appreciations by Ben Jonson, Dryden, Coleridge and others 1
- Poetry 1600 to 1660 1
- Poetry 1900 to 1975 1
- Poetry of the 1920s an anthology 1
- Poetry of the 1930s an anthology 1
- Poetry of the 1940s an anthology 1
- Poetry of the First World War an anthology 1
- Poets of our time an anthology 1
Viewed records 6521-6540 from 11913