- Tchu Dom Wydawniczy 1
- Temida 2 3
- Termedia 4
- Termedia Wydawnictwa Medyczne 13
- Termedia Wydawnictwo Medyczne 2
- Territorial'nyj fakul'tet fizičeskogo vospitaniâ Varšavskoj akademii fizičeskogo vospitaniâ zefa Pilsudskogo 1
- Thames and Hudson 1
- The Adam Mickiewicz Found. 1
- The Athlone Press ; University of London 1
- The Bodley Head 3
- The Clarendon press 2
- The Clarendon Press 2
- The Guilford Press 1
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1
- The John Day Company 1
- The Macmillan Co. 1
- The Modern Library 1
- The New American Library 1
- The Pocket Library 1
- The Teachers Guild of New York 1
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