- Setnik przypowieści uciesznych 1
- Seven modern poets an anthology 1
- Sewastopolskije rasskazy 1
- Sezon w czyśćcu 1
- Sfera publiczna kondycja - przejawy - przemiany 1
- Shakespeare 1
- Shakespeare and his critics 1
- Shakespeare aspects of influence 1
- Shakespeare his world and his art 1
- Shakespeare: Othello; a casebook 1
- Shakespeare: the comprehensive soul 1
- Shakespeare's world 1
- Sheridan's three plays The rivals : The school for scandal : The critic 1
- Ship or sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course 2
- Short short stories 1
- Short stories of the past 1
- Short stories old and new 1
- Shorter novels 1
- Shorter novels of the eighteenth century 1
- Sieci komputerowe i intersieci 2
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