- The art of fiction illustrated from classic and modern texts 1
- The Articles in Polish-English translation Przedimek w języku angielskim 1
- The assistant 1
- The awakening 2
- The awakening and selected stories 1
- The BBI dictionary of English word combinations 2
- The Bedford glossary of critical and literary terms 1
- The best and the brightest 1
- The black tower 1
- The Business 2.0 B2 upper-intermediate : student's book 1
- The Business 2.0 B2 upper-intermediate : teacher's book 1
- The Business pre-intermediate : student's book 1
- The call of the wild 1
- The call of the wild and selected stories 1
- The call of the wild and White Fang 1
- The Cambridge companion to British romanticism 1
- The Cambridge companion to fantasy literature 1
- The Cambridge companion to Jane Austen 1
- The Cambridge companion to modernism 1
- The Cambridge companion to postmodernism 1
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